NASA Photos of Possible UFOs

The UFO Casebook is releasing updated versions of older videos. We hope you enjoy them. 1969, Apollo 12 - November 14-24, Astronauts, CDR: Pete Conrad, CMP: Richard Gordon, LMP: Alan Bean. Importance: First pinpoint Lunar landing, landing within walking distance of the unmanned Surveyor spacecraft. Marked the beginning of waning public interest in NASA and Apollo. NASA archives (photo No AS12-49-7278) Astronaut Alan Bean shown, UFO top left. NASA Photo - NASA Mission Apollo 14 Photo NASA No AS14-67-9367 - Mission Apollo 14 on the Moon. Lunar Module photographed against sun glare on lunar surface. 1971, Moon. Apollo 14, In this shot, the shape of the object looks like the one of a flying saucer with lights! Reference: NASA AS14-70-9836/37. There are two avenues of thought here. Firstly, the debunkers say if these really were UFOs why would NASA release the pictures, since they are part of a conspiracy to keep this info from the pubic. Secondly, UFO proponents say that if NASA did NOT release them, then ever
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