Sam’s Song

This is Sam’s Song, written by Zander Nyrond (Zanda Myrande) and Soren Nyrond, ages ago. I sang it at a bar in Northern Ireland, and Venche Husevik recorded it. Thank you! I think for many filkers their first filk con felt a lot like this song. There you were, all alone with this weird hobby of yours, and suddenly there was family! :) Which may be one of the reasons why it has become a bit of an international anthem of filk in the meantime. At least you are not likely to meet a filker anywhere in the UK, Germany, the USA, or Canada, who does not know that song. (Given you move in circles where you are likely to meet a filker at all, of course! :) ) Lyrics: Well, it’s after hours here in Harry’s Bar, and the evening has just begun, and MacIvor is telling all over again how he nearly fell into the sun, and the droid in the corner is getting well oiled, and the Wookiee has let down his hair, and I’m sitting alone on a forty nine bus, and I’m wi
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