Mecca now! The Kaaba may not stand! A storm with a wind speed of 180 km/h!

In a remarkable turn of events, Mecca, the holiest city in Islam, grappled with an unprecedented storm today, causing widespread concern among pilgrims and residents alike. The inclement weather, characterized by intense winds and torrential rain, swept through the city, leading to temporary disruptions and safety concerns. Among the focal points of apprehension was the revered Kaaba, the cubic structure at the heart of the Masjid al-Haram. Despite the storm’s ferocity, reports indicate that the Kaaba remained steadfast and unharmed. Eyewitnesses described how the storm swiftly descended on the city, catching many by surprise. Pilgrims, who had gathered for prayers and tawaf around the Kaaba, were swiftly evacuated to safety by the competent and swift response of local authorities. Emergency services were deployed promptly to ensure the well-being of all individuals present. Authorities have reported some localized damage in parts of the city due to the intense weather, including minor fl
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