Photoshop: Create an ICE SCULPTURE of Someone!

Photoshop CC 2021 tutorial showing how to flash-freeze someone or something into an ice sculpture. Northern Lights photo: !ArAEPhCK6XBWgeklmurWXqUmS_ZyoA Explosion Brushes: !ArAEPhCK6XBWjj2P71_vrs9T-ab5 Smoke Brushes: !ArAEPhCK6XBWgehCoZwrZTGtD57B7w Royalty-free stock photos provided by Shutterstock ID #: 1686329977 By Nikolas_jkd Royalty-Free Music provided by High quality, copyright-free music for YouTube. Music track: “Domination“ All of my Patrons and Channel Members receive VIP Early Access Passes to watch my new Photoshop tutorials one week before the public can see them! 😊💙 Join my Community of Patrons on Patreon!: Become a Channel Member!: To become a Channel Member on IOS & other “unsu
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