English Christian Song | “Have You Heard the Holy Spirit Speak?“

English Christian Song | “Have You Heard the Holy Spirit Speak?“ I “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.“ Have you now heard the Holy Spirit’s words? God’s words have come upon you. Do you hear them? Do you hear them? God does the work of words in the last days, and such words are those of the Holy Spirit, for God is the Holy Spirit and He can also become flesh; so the Holy Spirit’s words, as spoken in the past, are the words of God incarnate today. Many absurd people believe since it’s the Holy Spirit talking, His voice should speak from the heavens for people to hear. Anyone who thinks this way doesn’t know the work of God, the work of God. In truth, the utterances spoken by the Holy Spirit are those spoken by God become flesh. The utterances spoken by the Holy Spirit are those spoken by God become flesh. II The Holy Spirit can’t speak directly to man,
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