Scarlet sails | DRAMA | FULL MOVIE

Based on the story by A. Grin. Longren and her daughter live as hermits in a small fishing village. An experienced sailor left the service and raises little Assol alone. One day, the old storyteller predicts Assol that the day will come when she will be taken away by a handsome prince on a ship with scarlet sails. The whole village laughs at Assol, but the time will come, and the fairy tale will become a reality. IMDb rating: 7.8 Year of production: 1970 Director: Ptushko Alexander Writers: Yurovsky Alexander, Nagorny Alexey Composer: Morozov Igor Operators: Yakushev Viktor, Tsekavyi Gennady Production Designers: Shengelia Levan, Makarov Alexander Cast: Oleg Anofriev, Ivan Pereverzev, Emmanuil Geller, Zoya Fedorova, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Sergey Martinson, Vasily Lanovoy, Anna Orochko, Grigory Shpigel, Alexander Khvylya, Pavel Volkov, Nikolay Volkov, Sergey Romodanov, Alexeev Alekseev, Antonina Konchakova, Alexander Lupenko , Massalsky Pavel, Mochalov Ivan , Orlova Nata
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