В прямом эфире поговорим о том, КАК СОВМЕСТИТЬ ФУНКЦИОНАЛ, УЮТ И КРАСОТУ в небольшом саду на примере очередного шедевра от команды Royal Gardens
Название проекта - “Изумрудный веер“
Artlist Song Certificate
Unlimited License Number - 314587 License owner - Сергей Колосков
This Song Certificate is granted by Artlist Ltd (hereinafter: “Artlist“), to: Сергей Колосков (hereinafter: the
“Client“) as of 04 Jan 2022, regarding the use of the song A Tender Heart created by The David Roy
Collective (hereinafter: the “Song“) b
...y the Client;
Artlist hereby grants the Client a non-exclusive, worldwide and perpetual license to integrate and synchronize
the Song into an audio-visual work (hereinafter: the “Project“) and use the Song as part of the Project in
accordance with Artlist’s Terms of Use and Unlimited license.
The Unlimited License allows the ClieShow more