Студеникин А.И. - Физика нейтрино.Часть 1- 7. Neutrino mixing and oscillations in matter

00:00:15 Neutrino mixing and oscillations in matter 00:05:57 Recall of neutrino mixing and oscillation in vacuum 00:08:41 Evolution equation of the physical states 00:14:50 The probability of oscillations 00:20:58 ν(e) to ν(μ) oscillations in matter composed of electrons, neutrons and protons; particle number density 00:26:26 Standard model Lagrangian 01:16:26 Mixing and oscillations in matter 01:27:38 Oscillation probability ν(e) to ν(μ) in matter composed of electrons, neutrons and protons 01:32:26 Oscillation length 01:34:19 The amplitude and the resonance in neutrino oscillations \Ссылка на плейлист: #физфак #мгу #студеникин #нейтрино #физиканейтрино #neutrino #msu #physics
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