This is a 1440p remaster of the legendary tricking movie “Tribulation“. The movie’s original creator is Michael Flatley, the sound remaster was produced by Aleksey Zhendi.
The demos included in the Tribulation-light download were re-rendered with quake3e. Premiere Pro was used for video cutting. Where a re-render wasn’t possible, the original video was used.
I had to remove the song I Just Want You (Ozzy Osbourne) from this version to not have it locked in the US. However, it is still included in the download. You can try if the other youtube version works for you, it is without the song removed:
Big thanks to Michael for originally creating this awesome movie, and to Alekesy for creating the sound remaster (that inspired me to do a video remaster). Thanks to all the players that are still active, also big thanks to everyone watching!
Please enjoy the classic in HQ!
Song list as found in the SR descriptio