#100 Care Guide in Growing Indoor Plants in LECA | Houseplant Care

A step by step care guide of growing plants using LECA balls indoor. LECA is an acronym that stands for lightweight expanded clay aggregate. It is made up of little balls of clay—a growing medium—and used in place of soil. Timestamp: 00:00 - Introduction 00:17 - What is Leca? 00:35 - What does Leca do to my plants? 00:50 - Where do I buy LECA? 01:12 - What should I do first when I get LECA? 01:53 - What pot should I use? 04:57 - How to repot your plants in LECA? 05:55 - How often should I water my plants in LECA? 07:13 - How do I fertilize my plants in LECA? 07:46 - How do I maintain my plants in LECA? 08:34 - What are the advantages of using LECA? 🛒Gardening Products I used: 💡GROW LIGHTS ✅Sansi - ✅Barrina - ✅Barrina High Power - ✅COB LED (Waterproof) - 🌿GROWING MEDIA ✅Clay Pebb
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