На видео Я (Татиана Салмановна Мактум Сайфуддин Tatiana Salmanovna Maktoum Saifuddin в фиолет топе

Татьяна АлександроваВчера, 12:02 Кому: wbe1@, вам, Василий Обухов Dear Warren , Thank you very much for your Skype calls, messages, and emails. For the first year and a half I really hoped to get my Grant of ten million dollars, and then for the next year and a half I said so many times on the video camera that I was waiting for my Grant of ten million dollars. The situation with my money is such that I have a credit card with about $ 65 on it, and I have debts on electricity and utility bills for my apartment. And all my attempts to get enough money to forward my Grant, alas, were unsuccessful. Therefore, it turns out that I am very Grateful to you for the Certificate in the form of a Grant of ten million dollars, if it is brought to me so without any money on my part, I will be very Grateful. If this does not work, then alas and Ah. There is of course, perhaps almost the last hope to send letters to the organizations where my Grant Certificate was issued and request an official r
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