Organs that a person can live without!!

@SmartDoctor1 =============== 00:00 -1- 00:31 -2- 00:49 -3- 01:11 -4- 01:33 -5- 01:49 -6- 02:07 -7- 02:30 Organs that a person can live without. =============== Welcome to our medical video series, where we explore organs that the human body can live without. In this episode, we cover several organs and their significance: Firstly, the appendix, a small pouch attached to the large intestine, is discussed. Although its exact function is uncertain, it is not essential for survival. However, inflamed appendix can lead to appendicitis, requiring surgical removal. Next, we delve into the gallbladder, a pear-shaped organ beneath the liver. While it stores bile for digestion, the liver can produce bile directly into the small intestine, enabling individuals to live without a gallbladder. Then, we explore the spleen, which filters and removes old or damaged red blood cells and aids the immune system in fighting infections. Although the body
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