牛屎酒—傣族人存酒的特殊方式 【滇西小哥】

第一次听说这个名字的时候,我以为是用牛屎发酵来酿的酒,就特意请教做牛屎酒的龙哥,傣族自家烧的小锅米酒放置一年以上才能转入土罐子里,用盐霜树做木塞子,裹上牛皮纸,热蜂蜡封口,再敷上新鲜牛屎存储2年以上,才是正儿八经的牛屎酒。 爷爷是一个爱酒的人,对他来说,酒便是生活最好的调味品。第一次拍酒的视频,就是三年前的玉米酒,很快,已经过去三年了 来,我看看有多少伙伴是那个时候认识我的? ※Click “cc“ on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. The first time I heard the name, I thought the wine was made of bull dung. So I asked Brother Long who is good at making bull dung wine. He told me that the decent bull dung wine uses homemade rice wine which has been stored for over a year before taking it into a jar. The plugger should be made of a salty tree branch and wrapped in brown paper. The jar needs to be sealed with melted bee wax then cover the bottleneck with fresh bull dung to store for at least two year. My g
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