“Napoléone“ is a song about Napoleon’s childhood performed by the French singer Serge Lama.
This song speaks of Napoleon’s childhood and evokes his integration into French culture.
It is taken from the 1984 musical “Napoleon“.
The song evokes the mockery of which the future emperor was the victim at school where his Corsican accent sounded strangely in the ears of his comrades who heard “LaPailleAuNez“ instead of “Napoleon“ when the young Bonaparte gave his exotic first name.
Lyrics :
Napoleone, Napoleone, Napoleone, straw in the nose, (x4)
Napoleone, straw in her nose. (x8)
At school, when I was a kid
My name didn’t sound very French,
I was the laughing stock of my friends,
They called me “straw in the nose“.
Badly dressed, in my skin, not well,
I was apart and sulky,
I ate the words of the books,
I had my soul and my head elsewhere.
Napoleone, Napo