To Keep That Schneider Cup (1929)

Calshot, Hampshire. Full titles read: “TO KEEP THAT SCHNIEDER CUP ! - Good luck to our team led by Squadron Leader Orlebar and the ’Supermarine Rolls Royce S.6.“ - a miracle of design and speed.“ L/S’s of the impressive looking aeroplane (or flying boat). The plane is on land with the engine running. M/S’s of several mechanics working on the plane. L/S of plane being wheeled down ramp into the sea, the pilot can be seen sat in the cockpit. L/S’s of the plane in flight. Intertitle reads: “Squadron Leader A.H Orlebar, AFC“ C/U of Orlebar in uniform talking to colleagues. Several other shots of senior RAF pilots (Royal Air Force). Intertitle reads: “We retained the Schneider Cup - with amazing speed of - & we hope to do better this year !“ L/S of plane gathering speed in the sea. L/S of naval officer firing gun salute from ship. Various shots of the plane in flight. L/S and M/S of man in RAF uniform (the pilot ?) and two mechanics. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE
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