The Best 12 Min Abs Workout for Fast Results - TIFF X DAN

Get ready for your core to work hard for the next 12 minutes as we work through 12 no repeat ab exercises for 45 sec each followed by a 15 sec rest. Slow & controlled is the name of the game for this ab workout. Keep your core tight and your lower back pressed into the mat, especially during the leg extension exercises, to get the most out of this ab routine. This workout starts out pretty mellow and then by a few minutes in your core will get set on fire! Hang in there until the end, you got this! Let’s get those abs. RECOMMENDED WORKOUTS - No Quit HIIT - Extreme HIIT Cardio - Lower Body HIIT 💾 Try our FREE 6 Week Shred II Home Workout Program right here on YouTube. We’re giving you 42 unique workouts over 6 weeks to totally transform your body. Whether your goal is to lose body fat, enhance your endurance and stamina, build muscle, or all of the above, this
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