90’S HIP HOP The Golden Yrs. Music Video Dance Clips

Choreography reel of Doncer OLD SCHOOL HIP HOP VIDEOS Clips Choreographed by Donovan Casting by Donovan ORIGINAL HIP HOP STYLES CULTURE elements of hip-hop dance such as Popping, Locking, B-boy fundamentals, Boogaloo, Breaking, Funk styling Martial Arts and Illusion styles. Donovan is an established spoke’s person on hip-hop trends culture with numerous appearances on national syndicated talk shows like Oprah, Video Music Box, BET’s Rap City various MTV shows. With over 18 years of professional entertainment and artist development experience. Donovan has successfully choreography routines for many platinum-recording artist, television sitcoms, Oprah, various talk show, MTV, various Hip Hop music videos, films, and commercials. Personally responsible for artist development, casting, treatments of movement and image consulting in various productions of film/video. Hip Hop Artist Development Boot camp Academy Small Classes, Private Personal Training Only The Hip-H
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