20 Classic Vehicles that Defined an Era including a 1953 Boat Car
Do you have a favorite classic vehicle?
Here are 20 classic vehicles that defined an era. From a 1923 Audi Jaray to a 1953 Fiat Boat Car.
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00:00 Intro
00:10 1956 Jawa Motorex
00:35 1942 L’oeuf Electrique
01:17 1948 Panhard Dynavia
01:55 1955 Fascination car
02:24 1937 Mormon Meteor III
02:59 1932 Talbot 14/65 Boat Tail Tourer
03:36 1962 Invader GT
04:07 1941 Western Flyer Van
04:33 1923 Audi Jaray “The Ugly Duckling“
05:11 Rocketumbler 1955 Nardi-Giannini 750 Bisiluro
Carlo Molino and in Enrico Nardi
05:56 ZIL 112 S
06:43 1947 Morgan F-Super Maintenance
07:27 1948 Tucker Torpedo
08:03 1948 Tasco prototype
08:42 1938 Phantom Corsair
09:26 Framo Stromer FP 400
10:10 1962 Covington
10:47 1958 Ford Nucleon
11:21 Aurel Persu
11:53 Fiat 1100 Boat Car
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