watercolor poppies made easy! watercolor tutorial for procreate // paint a poppy flower in Procreate

In this video I show you how to paint loose watercolor poppy flowers in procreate. You can use any brushes for this video, but I used my own kit that I sell on Etsy to support the channel: - Amazing watercolor kit for Procreate (brushes and textures included): If you can’t afford the kit, please message me on etsy and I would love to help. You can also message me there if you have any questions or if you are bored ☺️ ___________________ 👉🏼 PRINT YOUR ARTWORK: Here’s the printer I use: (This is an Affiliate link for ) I prefer this one because it’s just so easy to get amazing colors and rich, textured shading. This printer is not suitable for printing tiny stuff, like postage stamp size, because it’s only going to do 150dpi. That’s good enough for a greeting card or anything larger (I prefer to print larger stuff anyways). ___________________________ Here’s the jazz I used: Thank to Artlist I can use a slightly edited version of ’Aves - Hot Chocolate’ I also added some cafe background SFX.
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