It’s completed! And the hug was SO FUCKIN EPIC! I hyperventilated and had an asthma attack, but did not care. 8DDD Talk about amazing!! I hate the ending of this vid, even though it’s the epic hug. xD I’m sorry it’s so sucky! And I apologize for the blinding flashes, although it was the only thing I could think of for that part of the song at the time. Urk. The rest of the vid I’m fine with, probably because I had it done for months in advance and therefore didn’t rush through it like I did at the end. xD Anyway.. enough of my complaining. XD I’ll just do better on my next ones. ^^ So this vid is pretty much Amu’s feelings towards Ikuto... wanting to be there for him, just as the song says. It really needs no explaining. -is still dead from the hug- Song: There For You Artist: Flyleaf Anime: Shugo Chara! Program: Sony Vegas 8.0
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