MIRNES AJANOVIĆ:Evidence of election fraud for foreign media/Dokazi izborne prevare za strane medije
Press Release - BOSS translated evidence of election fraud and illegal election results into English and delivered it to foreign media and diplomats
After the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina on November 2, 2022. published the final election results a day after the legal deadline, thereby legitimizing countless election thefts, protecting political crime and the perpetrators of the criminal offense of election fraud, BOSS publicly warned that CIK members committed a number of criminal offenses due to abuse of official position and negligent work in the service, and the president of BOSS, Mirnes Ajanović, addressed the public with a video presentation arguing the illegal actions of the CIK of BiH.
Electoral fraud and knowingly changing the electoral will of citizens must not be forgiven and forgotten, because this would recognize the right of the electoral junta to act, as the legality of obtaining an election result, which is against democratic and civilized principles,
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2 years ago 00:21:56 1
MIRNES AJANOVIĆ:Evidence of election fraud for foreign media/Dokazi izborne prevare za strane medije