Carving A Wheel Thrown Pierced Stoneware Bowl- A Geometric Approach
This video shows the process I use to carve and pierce some of my geometric pottery. I have long done geometric carving with sgraffito, and recently, have just begun doing some carved pottery where it is entirely pierced. In this, I don’t show the throwing or trimming steps, as that can be found in other videos... just see my channel. I do show the process I use when I lay out the design and carve however. One thing I do mention is that when this was done being carved and cleaned, I VERY slowly dried it with a thick towel over it. After it was bone dry, I bisque fired it on a slow firing program. I then dipped/poured black glaze over it. Then, for cone firing, I fired again on a SLOW program to cone 5 with a 25 minute hold for my Coyote black glaze.
Here is a link to my Etsy listing for the finished bowl:
The materials I use for carving are an exacto type hobby knife, a needle or