Cantos For Reclamation - the making of a painting

Cantos for Reclamation The Story of the Painting By Shiloh Sophia - the build, symbols and meaning... Custom Commission Created for the Collaborative Book by Flower of Life Press Red, gold, orange, crimson, umber – forging an environment of sacred fire and chaos. Next is the mapping out sacred geometry on a piece of wood I have had for over 9 years. Marking out Fibbonaci spirals, Vesica pisces and Seeds of life blooming. I draw them by hand so the organic nature of creation is held here, even though I know it will disappear in the layers. It will always be there. Underneath what we see, there is another world. The journey begins with a prayer. Weaving together the energies and stories of 23 women speaking. This act of Intentional Creativity is sparked by inquiry of the heart and the blessing of the wood. How do I create an image of the feminine that is both ancient and of the future? How do I include dark and light, and yet not be dualistic and obvious? How do I include the energy of the Priestess who may
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