OLYMPIC ANTHEM - ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟΣ ΥΜΝΟΣ - Learn how to sing the Anthem in Greek !

Back-Πίσω : Learn to sing in the Greek, Olympic Anthem Apprendre à chanter en grec, hymne olympique Lernen Sie, in der griechischen, der Olympia-Hymne singen Aprende a cantar en griego, el Himno Olímpico Imparare a cantare in greco, l inno olimpico تعلم الغناء باللغة اليونانية، والنشيد الأولمبي 学唱在希腊,奥林匹克会歌 ギリシャ、オリンピック賛歌で歌うことを学ぶ In this short video you can review the original Greek verses of the Olympic Anthem, and you can teach yourselves to pronounce them,
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