How can you see in Nirvana? | Vajra Pratyeka Buddha

How can you see in Nirvana? (Vào Niết Bàn thấy bằng gì?) Q&A: “Dear Master, if there is no physical body when entering Nirvana, how can you see the light of Nirvana?“ I’ll enlighten you in this way. There is seeing with the eyes and there is also seeing with the mind. Seeing with the eyes means that when you open your eyes, you see the physical world and phenomena. It is called seeing with the eyes. What is seeing with the mind? Many people experience it, but they do not pay attention. When you close your eyes and go to sleep, you might dream of going out, riding a bike on the street, going fishing, for example, fighting, encountering demons or monsters chasing you, and so on. So do you see it? Even with your eyes closed, you can still see it. So what you see is the seeing with the mind. Therefore, we should not think that everything we see has to be through our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, or body. It is not correct. Your true seeing is seeing with t
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