What Did Trenton & Heath Do To My Origin Boots???

Since Episode 87 of History Traveler at Andersonville, I’ve been wearing a pair of Origin boots and since then, they have taken us all over the place. Normandy. Gettysburg. Verdun. Saipan. And much much more! I recently received a message from@TrentonHeath who are cobblers that are keeping the craft alive down in Tennessee. They offered to give my boots a little working over after the rough treatment that I’ve given them. They’re also deconstructing these boots to take a look at the craftsmanship that goes into each pair of @ORIGINUSA boots. Check out what they did to the boots here: And be sure to subscribe to their channel! Love what these guys are doing to keep the craft alive. Set yourself up with a 10% DISCOUNT on all Origin gear and nutritional products by entering the code “history10“ at and !!!
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