Austria is being devastated! Storms and flash floods destroyed roads and submerged houses

Austria is being devastated! Storms and flash floods destroyed roads and submerged houses Severe storms accompanied by continuous heavy rain caused flooding in northern Grass on Saturday evening. Many firefighters were on duty, and wind gusts reached 100 km/h causing many trees to fall, such as in city parks around Poore. Due to rain, a mudflow about 2 m high occurred in the area near Peradaban A9 just after Bose junction, causing the entire road to deflect to the South #Austria #hail #flood #rain #weather #heavy rain #climate change #hurricane #hail #flood #natural disaster #supercell #tsunami #news #catastrophe #earthquake disaster Our content discusses natural disaster news and the latest weather reports around the world, including: hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, flash floods, earthquakes, heavy rains, hail, hail storms, windstorms, climate change, weather warnings, volcanoes, tornadoes, bad weather, today’s weather news, summary of natural disasters, natural disasters recorded
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