FW190 -of Leningrad

It is a Fw190-A5. Pilot is still listed as MISSING. “Fw190 A5 White A of 4./JG54 This Focke-wulf 190 was manufactured in April 1943, originally as an A-5 variant and supplied with the full work number 0151227 by the parent factory of Focke-Wulf Flugzeugbau GmbH at Bremen. THE LOSS OF FW190 A5 1227. On Monday 19th July 1943 Fw190 A-5 1227 ’White A’ went on a mission carrying a SC250 (550Ib) bomb. Taking off from Siwerskaja, on what was probably a hot summer day, ’White A’ headed for the Front line which was only fifteen or so minutes flight time away. Crossing the front line over the Dvina River, the Fw190, flying with another crossed it and headed East. Whilst behind enemy lines, in an area called Voibakala, the ’Rotte’ attacked an armoured train and reportedly suffered damage from flak. The loss report indicates the Fw190 crash landed due to this damage, although none was located on the airframe. It Fw190 suffered a catastrophic failure of the BMW801
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