Do Conference Interpreters Have The World’s Hardest Job?

🤯 Interpreting is one of the most challenging language jobs in the world. But it’s also one of the most rewarding and well-paid language professions. How do these linguistic magicians listen and speak at the same time? How do they keep their cool when the stakes are so high, all while working directly with world leaders and business magnates? In this video, I take a deep dive into the world of simultaneous and consecutive interpretation, uncovering how these linguistic magicians work, and sharing some expert tips on how you too can become an interpreter. 🎤 FEATURED INTERPRETERS: Special thanks to the three professional interpreters who spoke with us: ① Barry Olsen VP of Communications at Kudo 👉🏼 Former Associate Professor at Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey 👉🏼 ② Martin Djovčoš Interpreting professor at Uni
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