ETS2 - 6 Speed vs 14 Speed Gearbox/Transmission Heavy Cargo Pull Scania S 2016
Euro Truck Simulator 2 6 Speed Allison 4500R (GA867R) versus 14 Speed Opticruise GRSO 925R Gearbox/Transmission paired with Scania S Series 2016 v8 730HP.
In this test we will compare 2 different gearboxes and see how they compare at hauling normal cargo, heavy cargo and as well very heavy cargo.
Acceleration from 0-90kmh with 14 Ton Cargo
Acceleration from 0-70kmh with 61 Ton Cargo
Acceleration from 0-50kmh with 122 Ton Cargo
Uphill Acceleration with 14 Ton Cargo
Uphill Acceleration with 61 Ton Cargo
Uphill Acceleration with 122 Ton Cargo
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Big thanks to my partner Mr-IceRaged
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