When The Deadbolt Breaks - As Hope Valley Burns (Full Album 2021)

As Hope Valley Burns (2021) Buy on Vinyl/CD: When The Deadbolt Breaks, the perfect balance balance between the ugly and beauty: long compositions wade through detuned, discordant, and murky sludge before shifting into melodic ambient space rock territories, and back again. For more than 15 years, the band has carved a niche for themselves within the interplay of extreme genres. Having played the SXSW, New England Stoner & Doom Fest to name just a few, with a doom style both psychedelic and unsettling, their music has been labeled many things -heavy, daunting, overwhelming, unnerving- while the band is singer/guitarist Aaron Lewis’s gritty vision of life on the subcultural fringes of New England society. As Hope Valley Burns, the band’s sixth studio album, will be
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