Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES) Soundtrack - 8BitStereo

Tracklist: 0:00 Title Screen / Opening / Cutscene 1:16 Areas 1-4 Overworld (Streets) 1:56 Areas 1-1, 3-2 & 4 Stage Theme 2:59 Mini-Boss Battle 3:48 Mini-Boss Clear 3:52 Area 2-1: Underwater 5:12 Area 2-1: Underwater (Hurry) 5:40 Area 2-1: Underwater (Hurry Faster!!) 6:03 Areas 1-2, 2-2, 3-1 & 6 Stage Theme 6:58 Boss Battle 7:36 Area Clear 7:46 Area 5: FootClan Caverns 9:22 Area 5 Overworld (FootClan Base) 10:36 Lose A Turtle 10:41 Ending 11:18 Game Over Check out Mandarinswift who drew the portrait of me that you see in this video, her work is amazing! Her Patreon: This is the OST to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the NES! But in my own form of Stereo! Which spreads the sound channels and adds a bit of echo/reverb. These mixes also do not represent true, original, or actual stereo that the NES has, this is just to make the music sound more clear
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