Quantum Technologies made in THE LÄND

Quantum technologies are a key technology of the future. As a leading innovation and industrial region in Germany and Europe, the German Southwest has outstanding quantum expertise in science and industry. Learn more about the institutions and individuals driving the quantum revolution and how industry, science and politics join forces in @the_laend. Discover Baden-Württemberg’s exciting quantum ecosystem: - In fact, Europe’s first and commercially usable quantum computer by IBM and Fraunhofer is located in Ehningen, Baden-Württemberg (watch from minute 00:19). - Research in quantum applications is heavily funded in the German Southwest (watch from minute 03:23). - @FraunhoferIAO in Stuttgart develops application-oriented algorithms for industrial use cases (watch from minute 02:05). - The high-tech quantum start-up GmbH @qantgmbh1784 (watch from minute 05:26) develops novel sensors and novel computing processors. Right now, they’re working on th
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