15 Facts About Depression In America That Will Absolutely Shock You

Americans have never been so depressed. Over the past 24 months, depression rates almost quadrupled among adults in the United States. Young Americans haven’t been immune. In fact, new studies show that about a quarter of children and teens in the country suffer from some type of mental illness. So many things happened in recent years that we can easily understand why so many people have been feeling overwhelmed. The fact that many of us had to remain isolated during lockdowns, while others faced the loss of a loved one, suffered a job loss, or dealt with eviction, financial problems, and food insecurity has taken a toll on our mental health. Right now, antidepressant use is skyrocketing, and yet most people facing depression, anxiety, or other mental health disorder do not have access to the treatment they need. At this point, virtually every new survey that comes out shows that we are extremely unhappy about the economy, our living standards, our working conditions, and our future.  According to the
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