I AM DYSLEXIC - Short Animated Student Film

#Dyslexia #ShortFilm #mentalhealth A young dyslexic child falls into a world made entirely out of books. Alone in the environment, he is forced to climb a mountain representing the education system. The animated short film I AM DYSLEXIC expresses what it feels like to have a learning difference in our current school system. Those with learning differences should be proud of who they are and should never be made to feel alone. The film uses strong metaphors to portray these emotions, as we follow a little boy on his journey to climb a mountain in a world made of books. I AM DYSLEXIC is a student animated short directed, produced and written by Mads Johan Øgaard and Katie Wyman. We are both Dyslexic and have both experienced different ways in which the school system tries to deal with dyslexic students, the good and the bad. We have made this film in the hopes of giving individuals who experience learning difference something to relate to. Something to say; “Yes, this is a tough
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