IS-7 vs M48 PATTON NECK SHOT | 130mm BR-482B Armour Piercing Simulation

The IS-7 was the largest and heaviest member of the IS family of heavy tank and its 130mm APCBC projectile weighed over 33kg. If it entered service and a war broke out in Europe, the M48 would be a likely opponent. The simulation shows the BR-482B projectile impacting one of the strongest points of the M48 turret -the area where the mantlet, turret, and neck overlap (a fall angle of ° is included). The free edge effect is very apparent, where regions of the armour are unsupported. While the projectile can easily penetrate anywhere on the turret, it would struggle going through the sloped hull as the round can only perforate ~100mm @60° at 1000m. At the time, similar performance could be achieved by some sub calibre/HEAT rounds from much smaller guns -which most nations were transitioning to. These would not suffer from the size, weight, and logistical issues that a 130mm cannon would face. The ballistic cap and explosive filler were omitted in the simulation for simplicity. Amazing thumbnail art from @TanksEncyclopediaYT
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