every single homestuck trolls canon theme song (TIMESTAMPS INCLUDED)

mostly for my own viewing pleasure. i don’t own any music or art you see in this video. timestamps Karkat: 0:00 Aradia: 1:32 Tavros: 3:37 Sollux: 5:14 Nepeta: 7:05 Kanaya: 8:39 Terezi: 10:46 Vriska: 13:04 Equius: 14:49 Gamzee: 18:13 Eridan: 20:45 Feferi: 23:27 Meenah: 25:24 Cronus: 28:15 Kurloz: 31:17 Horrus: 33:59 Aranea: 38:43 Latula: 42:05 Porrim: 43:37 Meulin: 45:43 Mituna: 50:35 Rufioh: 52:21 Damara: 53:47 Kankri: 56:40 Sufferer: 57:19 Handmaid: 59:18 Summoner: 1:02:10 Ψiioniic: 1:06:24 Disciple: 1:11:44 Dolorosa: 1:14:12 Redglare: 1:16:26 Mindfang: 1:18:59 Darkleer: 1:23:13 The Grand Highblood: 1:26:31 Dualscar: 1:30:20 Condesce: 1:34:34
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