La Palma hit by strongest earthquake since volcano eruption | DW News

An earthquake has shaken the Spanish island of La Palma - the strongest tremor since a volcano started erupting there last month. No significant damage was reported, but scientists say it’s another sign that the eruption won’t end soon. Already it’s forced hundreds of residents to abandon their homes. But the natural spectacle is also attracting tourists captivated by nature’s fury. For almost six weeks, rivers of molten rock have been flowing from Cumbre Vieja. Lava, burning at a sizzling 1,300 degrees Celsius. The apocalyptic scene has become an unlikely tourist attraction. The local volcano emergency committee is offering free shuttles for the catastrophe curious. But many have also come to show their support for the islanders. Thousands have had to abandon their homes, destroyed by the mighty volcano. The eruption has hit local businesses hard, as ash falls like rain, painting the usually sunny island every shade of gray Some areas are more reminiscent of a lunar landscap
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