“Remember ... Remember ... The Fifth Of November“ (1932)

Full title reads: “Brooklands. ’Remember ... Remember... the fifth of November’ - Guy Fawkes put through a new ordeal to joy of thousands of kiddies ...“ Brooklands, Surrey. Stuffed effigy representing Guy Fawkes is driven across airfield in old fashioned motorcar. He is off loaded from the car and carried into the passenger seat of a biplane. The dummy is strapped into a parachute. A group of children are there to watch. C/U of the Guy and the pilot. The plane taxies away. Intertitle reads: “ ... and there was ’a jolly good fire to roast him’ and . - at Harrow Garden Village.“ Harrow Garden Village, Greater London. Night shots. A nurse carrying a burning torch moves forwards to light a bonfire. Other torches are then placed at the base of the fire. The men and women with torches move away as the fire begins to grow. Smoke and flames rise up into the sky. Good close shots of the fire burning intensely. Shots of the crowd - all very dark. Pan across to the brightness of the b
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