Inside of St Isaac’s Cathedral in St Petersburg, Russia! Wow!

St Icaac’s Cathedral is the largest Orthodox Christian cathedral in St Petersburg, Russia, built in 1858 by the project of French architect Ogust Monferran in the style of the Russian late classicism. The construction continued for 40 years. Started in 1818 and finished as I already said in 1858 Since 1928, St Isaac’s Cathedral is also having a status of the museum. St Isaac was a founder of the Dalmatian Monastery in Constantinople, was a Christian monk who is honored as a saint and confessor. He is sometimes referred to as Isaac the Dalmatian, not because he came from Dalmatia, but because of the monastery which he founded. While the birth year of St Isaac is unknown, his dead day is 30th of May of 383 (so, it’s over 1640 years ago) and 30th of May is age birthday of Peter the Great,Russian Emperor and the founder of St Petersburg. During the construction of St Isaac’s Cathedral they used the newest construction technologies which then influenced the further dev
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