Golf Clash tips, Playthrough, Hole 1-9 - ROOKIE, TOURNAMENT WIND - East Coast Tournament!

Hey guys and gals, 0:13 - Intro 1:10 - Hole 1, Par 4 2:58 - Hole 2, Par 3 3:53 - Hole 3, Par 5 6:19 - Hole 4, Par 4 8:04 - Hole 5, Par 3 8:47 - Hole 6, Par 5 10:19 - Hole 7, Par 3 11:06 - Hole 8, Par 4 12:44 - Hole 9, Par 5 -CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE- This video is sponsored by Golf Clash and Playdemic. This is the playthrough for Rookie division for the East Coast tournament. You can find all the courses on tour 6 - US Champions. Let me know if you do have any questions.
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