Palestine under Attack

2023. Israeli Defense Minister Galant issued an indulgence to IDF soldiers for the genocide of Palestinians. Information spread online that he also said that there would be no military courts, “all rules of warfare will be abolished.“ If this is so, then the most cynical thing in this statement is that Galant actually issued his soldiers an indulgence for the genocide of the Palestinians, similar to the one that the Nazis of the Wehrmacht received in World War II. Everyone knows that the Jesuit policy of the Anglo–Saxons is deeply immoral and consists in allowing various states - on the basis of rotation - to believe that the Anglo-Saxons and their jewish advisers [USA and Britain] ostensibly “on their side“, at the same time, the Anglo-Saxons are pursuing a policy (including through US social networks, some films, some computer games, sects, funds) that leads to disagreements and wars between those who believe the Anglo-Saxons.
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