Internally Disconnectable 3 TC Coreless Donut BUNKER | RUST Base Design 2023

Introducing the next-level 3-TC Donut Bunker, an evolution of the iconic original. Why settle for a single Tool Cupboard when you can fortify your base with three? With a raid cost of 36 rockets for all TCs while requiring no high quality upkeep. Thank you everyone for your suggestions, comments, critiques and subs. References: Coreless concept base by Abnormal Rust (The Primate): Coreless concept by (Donut “Basse“): Sanctuary ILLBRD Coreless concept by Maverick (The Redoubt): Raid Cost: 36 Rockets **No High Quality Metal. 45 Rockets **Upgrade 2 triangle floors to High Quality for a 45 Rocket Raid (TCs). (9HQ upkeep) Timestamp: 00:00 Walk-through 00:35 Build - Starter 01:37 Build - Loot Room 1 01:50 Build - Airlock 02:06 Build - Loot Room 2 02:26 Build - Roof Entrance 03:15 Build - Offset for 2nd and 3rd Base 04:48 Build - China wall 05:48 Build
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