The story of the world record Tesla with 1.9 million km and its owner

Hansjörg von Gemmingen-Hornberg owns the Tesla Model S with the highest mileage in the world, as far as any public records show. His car has 1.9 million km / or million miles on the odometer at the time of filming and Hansjorg aims for more. There is little precise information about him online, mostly based on some older tweets or on assumptions of how he manages to put so many miles on his car. I went to Germany to meet Hansjörg directly and to find out the complete story first-handed from him! ABOUT WATT ENERGY We explore engineering subjects and technologies that help humanity be efficient and sustainable – heat pumps, electric cars, electric trucks, electric planes, electric ships, synthetic fuel, hydrogen, solar energy, wind energy, electric grids, energy storage systems.
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