The Plagues-sarabi and zira

Why did I put credits at the end? I don’t know! I just thought this vid was cool enough to deserve it. Now I know that this fits Mufasa and Scar a lot but most TLKs done of this song were with them and I wanted to be Original. Besides I think Zira and Sarabi being sisters is a cool idea. True, that would me Kiara and Kovu would be related so it is probably incorrect. I love this song so don’t be surprised if I make versions with different charecters. STORY: After Sarabi learns Zira is trying to kill her son, Simba she confronts her. After losing Mufasa she coun’t lose Simba. Zira AND HER SISTER GET IN A FIGHT WHICH SADLY RESULTS IN Sarabi’s death. That is why you do not see Sarabi in TLK 2. PEACE!
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