Anal Fistula treatment with laser - Лечение анальной фистулы лазером

Anal fistula is a pathological communication between the mucous membrane of the anal canal and the skin around the anus. According to the prevailing theory, it is caused by inflammation in the crypts of Morgagni located around the dentate line. The anal glands secrete into these crypts. Microbial inflammation of these glands creates a septic focus (periosteal abscess) which finds passage along the path of least resistance, passing between, through, or over the anal sphincters. A small percentage of fistulas can be due to other conditions such as inflammatory diseases (Chron), cancer. The most common symptom of a perianal fistula is the discharge of serous, dirty fluid or pus from the orifice onto the perianal skin. Less commonly, pain or itching may occur. Diagnosis is primarily clinical. When the patient comes to the doctor’s office, we notice the external opening, that is, a small hole in the skin around the anus. This is usually followed by a rectoscopy which will help us rule out other coexisting diseases and at the same time find the internal orifice of the cervical fistula. Finally, the diagnosis of the perianal fistula is confirmed by performing magnetic syringography or an intrarectal ultrasound that allow us to map the fistula and its relationship with the sphincters. The treatment of peroneal fistula is only surgical. In difficult cases, the Seton or Hippocrates method is applied as well as the laser diode with very good results. Correct and timely treatment leads to cure and low rates of recurrence.
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