Loving the Narcissist: Shared Fantasy to Discard

Shared Fantasy Phase (Infatuation/Love Bombing/Honeymoon, sexuality: sadistic-humiliation kink, exclusivity) The narcissist intentionally suspends judgment and renders himself gullible and delusional only when it comes to emotions, intimacy, capacity and intent to hurt him, and the nature and intensity of the relationship. He idealizes the partner and uses splitting, denial, confirmation bias, rescuer or wizard role, Wunderkind Mask (genius), and grandiosity. But even so, it is only for as long as it remains in the safe and unreal realms of shared fantasy, role playing, or gaming. He allows this to himself and does not feel threatened because it is like virtual reality with no repercussions or outcomes in the real world. The shared fantasy allows him to avoid true intimacy and commitment and to shirk adult responsibilities and chores. Buy most of my books in Amazon
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