Cuts Of “Banana Calypso“ - Colour (1960)

Eastmancolor. Location Unknown / Unclear. LS As native people pass camera carrying bananas on their heads. Various shots of the people washing the bananas and placing them in sacks. Various shots of the sacks being tied up and sealed. CU Man shaking Maracas. Various shots as excess branches are chopped from trees and from the hands of bananas which are being carried away. LS Bananas are being carried away by horse and cart. MS Hands of bananas are “Topped and Tailed“. Various shots as the hands of bananas are stacked into piles. Various shots as the hands of bananas are chopped from trees and carried away, people carry them on heads. Elevated shot of banana boat in harbour. MS The banana boat “Camito“. CU Captain of the boat looking over the side at conveyor belt moving. MS Railway trucks pass camera. MS Captain looking over side of boat at conveyor belt moving. Elevated shot of banana boat in harbour. (Orig. Neg.) Date found in the old record - 18/06/1960. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITIS
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