How To Get the MOST Out of Your Exploratory Trip to Ecuador

Amelia And JP VLOG 245: If you’re like Amelia, you will probably want to visit Ecuador BEFORE moving here. In this video, we give you 10 tips to get the most out of your exploratory trip to Ecuador to help you prepare for your trip and get the most out of your first expat experience. Remember that the goal of your exploratory trip is to determine if you will be happy living in Ecuador. You might want to do some tourist activities, but most of your time should be spent living like a local so you get a good feel for what your life might look like after you move abroad. Most importantly, come to Ecuador with an open mind and expect a little culture shock. It’s a lot different than back home, but if you focus on the beauty and adventure, you’ll have more fun and get more out of your visit. Here are the links we mentioned in the video: Live Abroad Now: Best Cities to Live in Ecuador for Expats:
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