Ralph Macchio Classical & Blues [Crossroads 1986] [+TABS]

Ah, this is a classic one! The movie is Crossroads, from 1986 starring Ralph Macchio and has a Steve Vai (as the devil) in the ending if I recall correctly. I transcribed this awesome superposition of classical tunes (Mozart, etc) and blues for you viewing and learning pleasure. Please note that in Paganini’s Caprice, I transcribed as standard tuning but due to the bass F note in the end of the sequence, Its probably tuned a halftone above, in F (which I DO NOT recommend doing because of additional tension in your guitar and other nasty stuff that could happen, you could damage your guitar neck for instance) My stuff: If you enjoyed this content, like comment and subscribe for more music, guitar, rock and prog content. I also invest huge time on my own stuff EP, singles and arrangements so you can click on those and enjoy too!
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